Friday, December 24, 2010

I have started a blog

  H&M and Lanvin have merged to create a line that is the definition of our times.  Winter 2010/11 is a time to be remembered.  It is as if we have all awaken from a dream and suddenly we have a mature appreciation for all things classic.  Pearls, silk, lingerie with a side of classy seduction.  This season's H&M Magazine credits bloggers for their emergence as influential figures in the world of fashion and culture.  Since I am a young woman of twenty- something who is so terribly aimed at by all companies selling anything that I may need, I have decided to contribute. 
  It is the Eve of Christmas 2010 and I am in a bit of anxiety.  Partially, this anxiety is due to the caffeinated stress my times serve so elegantly to their youth.  The other parts are most definitely self damage.  I leave for Paris tomorrow and I have decided to pack tonight.  Europe is in a snow globe and landing Sunday morning will be nothing short of a miracle.  In Paris I go to see snooty French with iPhone's, new and interesting things in French fashion, and a Frenchman.  France is interesting in the winter.  Yes, indeed.
  On my shopping list is a copy of Vogue and antibacterial wipes.  I have made a bit of a tradition of buying Vogue before every trip.  It is my magazine of preference.  When reading Vogue, one becomes immersed in a world where art bleeds through every pore of a lifestyle. This type of merging of day to day activity with thoughts and culture and fashion was the inspiration behind starting a blog for me.  The title of my blog is the aim of my blog to express my thoughts, 02 light/medium is the shade of make-up I wear.  The world sees me through this shade on most days.  Here are the thoughts behind the face wearing shade 02 light/medium...